Zinātniskās konferences

2021.gada 22.aprīlis

13th International scientific conference “IZGLĪTĪBAS KVALITĀTES DIMENSIJAS ZINĀŠANU SABIEDRĪBĀ. Izglītība pārmaiņu izaicinājumu kontekstā: problēmas un risinājumi” (Education quality dimensions in knowledge society: Education in the context of challenges of change: problems and solutions), Liepaja University, Latvia: L. Latsone, L. Pavītola “Labās prakses piemēri pedagoga kompetences kontekstā” (Examples of good practice in the context of pedagogical

2021.gada 8.novembris

14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation – iCERi 2021, in Valencia, Spain: P.Jurs, I. Pelnēna, M. Ročāne “Changing the paradigm in the values of education in the 20th century”

2022.gada 8.marts

16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference – INTED 2022, in Valencia, Spain: P. Jurs, M. Ročāne, I. Kulberga “The interconnection between university graduates’ values and current processes in the society on choosing teaching profession”

2022.gada 8.aprīlis

“International Scientific Conference “SOCIETY. TECHNOLOGY. SOLUTIONS”, in Valmiera (ViA), Latvia: S. Rozentāle, S.Lemša “Adaptation of Advanced Analytics in Latvian Educational institutions”; S. Lemša “Framework to Build an Advanced Analytics Maturity Assessment Model: Questionnaire Design” (2 presentations)

2022.gada 28.aprīlis

14th International scientific conference “IZGLĪTĪBAS KVALITĀTES DIMENSIJAS ZINĀŠANU SABIEDRĪBĀ. Pedagoģiskās koncepcijas izglītības vides transformācijā” (Education quality dimensions in knowledge society: Pedagogical concepts for transformation of educational environment), Liepaja University, Latvia: P. Jurs, M. Ročāne “Vērtību aspekts kvalitatīvas izglītības
nodrošināšanai” (Aspect of values for ensuring quality of education); L. Latsone, L. Pavītola and D. Stieģele “Izglītības vērtības transformācija kultūras kontekstā” (Transformation of educational value in the context of culture); S. Striguna “Aktualitātes sociālo darbinieku studiju programmu pilnveidē” (Topicalities for perfecting the social work study programmes” (3 presentations)

2022.gada 12., 13.maijs

12th International scientific conference “Business and Management 2022”, in Vilnius, Lithuania: M. Lescevica, Z. Gusta “Well-being at work: a literature review on the complex framework”

2022.gada 19.maijs

25th International scientific conference “Sabiedŗiba un kultūra: pagātnes un nākotnes konstruēšana” (Society and Culture: constructing the past and the future), in Liepaja University, Latvia: S. Striguna “Sociālo darbinieku profesionālās kompetences veidošanās aktuālie aspekti studiju procesā” (Topicalities of the formation of professional competence of social workers in the study process).

2022.gada 4.-6.jūlijs

14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN22), in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. I. Mietule “Higher Education as a Value and its Impact on the Well-Being of Society”

2023.gada 29., 30.jūnijs

E³UDRES² Conference on Citizen Science, in Barreiro School of Technology, Portugal. A. Andersons “Physical activity and sport recovery model in post COVID-19 period”